An insecure world: it's time to save energy

The last twelve months, dramatic events in Japan and the Middle East have demonstrated how exposed we are to our dependence on energy and the insecurities that this dependence can create. With this, our Second Sustainability Report at Knauf Insulation, we look at this issue and explain the important role that saving energy from the built environment can play in helping to improve the situation. But recognizing that this is not an easy task, we also look at the challenges that exist for both delivering low energy buildings as well as the challenges that we face to both improve the sustainability of our products and our company.
We are also reacting to this insecurity by setting ourselves clear long term aims in the area of sustainability, to give ourselves a clear direction for where we want to go, whatever is happening in the outside world. Therefore, whilst last year's Sustainability Report was a first snapshot of where we stood on sustainability, this year's Report goes beyond simply reporting on figures and instead sets out our focus areas and long term aims, including a commitment on zero waste, zero carbon production and to become an employer of first choice amongst others.