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Heraklith is certified with Blue Angel

Heraklith is certified with Blue Angel

Heraklith is certified with Blue Angel, which confirms high environmental;credentials of the products range

Knauf Insulation has always placed substantial importance on resource conservation and sustainability. Manufactured from wood, water and mineral binder, Heraklith wood wool is a strong example of the company’s commitment to the sustainable solutions. This natural product is derived mostly from PEFC-certified spruce wood, which originates in sustainably managed European forests. During production, long, fine wood fibres are pressed with a mineral-bonding agent into a light multifunctional panel.


The Blue Angel is the first and oldest environment-related label for products and services in the world. It was created in 1978 on the initiative of the Federal Minister of the Interior and approved by the Ministers of the Environment of the federal government and the federal states. It considers itself as a market-conform instrument of environmental policy designed to distinguish the positive environmental features of products and services on a voluntary basis.